Colabor, Kitchen Talk!

Our Clients and Why They Choose Us

Our Promise to You

To save you money.

Give you an extraordinary choice.

To deliver your orders on time and without error.

To remain the leader in food distribution.

Icône d'horloge

Fresh and Fast

More trucks means more deliveries, which means fresher and faster.

Reliable and Flexible

Reliable deliveries, flexible solutions.


Better taste, better price. Our local products are the secret to your menu.


Your budget isn't unlimited. Our prices will make your mouth water.

Restaurant or Hotel

A kitchen is a busy place. Customers all arrive at the same time, all order at the same time. You need reliable employees, you need reliable suppliers.

Colabor gets involved. That’s why thousands of chefs trust us.

Colabor - Clientèle - Restaurants et Hôtels

Food Service

Managing the food service of a daycare, hospital, university or other institution means managing a thousand and one problems: the budget, the staff, user satisfaction, etc.

Food supply needs to go smoothly. With Colabor, you’ll be in good hands.

Colabor - Clientèle - CPE et garderies

Independent Distributor

Food distribution isn’t always easy, especially when you’re a smaller player. Maintaining the right stock is just as challenging as securing the best prices.

The solution? Ally yourself with the leader and take advantage of its buying volume. With Colabor, it’s a no-brainer

Colabor - Clientèle - Distributeurs alimentaires indépendants

Grocery or Convenience store

You need to avoid stock-outs, but also limit surpluses and waste. Your competitors have an ogre’s appetite, while your margins are on a slimming diet. Running a grocery or convenience store isn’t always a piece of cake!

By teaming up with Colabor, your supply issues are taken care of by dedicated experts.

Colabor - Clientèle - Epiceries et dépanneurs

Price and choice are essential.

But that’s not enough.

It also takes service.


We have it in stock

From basic ingredients sold in bulk to chic desserts in individual portions.

With over 10,000 food and non-food products, we can deliver what you need, when you need it, at the price you need.

Viandes Lauzon - Steak Cowboy Homard de Norref Colabor - Produits réfrigérés - Yogourt Colabor - Marque privée Menu - Bagels

They do the same job you do. Here's what they have to say about Colabor.

Logo Café Pista

 Colabor offers us competitively priced raw materials and a wide choice of products. Their personalized customer service, attentiveness and flexibility enable us to fully develop our menus and satisfy our customers. 

Catherine Lusignan Executive Chef, Café Pista
Rémi Lemieux, Chef Propriétaire, Mémo

 Colabor is an essential ally. Their competent customer service, quality products at the best prices and constant support help me develop my career. I recommend Colabor for their proximity and unbeatable competitiveness.  

Rémi Lemieux Chief Owner, Mémo
Perle Morency

 Colabor provides me with a stable supply of a wide range of Quebec products at competitive prices, including the MENU private label. Their portal simplifies my orders, and my representative is always available. An essential collaboration to support local purchasing! 

Perle Morency Owner, Côté Est