Rediscover the ARCTIC GARDENS Product Range

7 May 2024

Rediscover the ARCTIC GARDENS Product Range

Rediscover the ARCTIC GARDENS product range, a vast array of reliable, essential products and a wide selection of trendy and specialty ingredients.

Why Buy Frozen Vegetables?

Harvested at peak quality & freshnessLabour Cost Savings: precut, prewashed and ready to cook
Long Shelf lifeNo Waste
No additives or preservatives: just vegetables!Strong traceability- products can be traced back to the field!

*ARCTIC GARDENS is a key brand of the NORTERA FOODS INC. product portfolio.

Discover Our New Products

Garden Bean Blend

Code : 105998
Arctic Gardens - Mélange de grains anciens

Ancient Grain Blend

Code : 106638
Artic Gardens - Mélange de grain rustiques

Rustic Grain Blend

Code : 106650

Take a Look at Our Easy-To-Cook Recipes

Trempettes colorées


Petit-déjeuner à l'orge et aux fruits des champs

Barley and Wild
Berry Breakfast

Salade tiède de boulgour, courge & feta à la menthe

Warm Bulgur, Squash & Feta Salad with Mint

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